• Christian Guerrilla Rising

    Q: What is a “Christian”? A: Christian is a person who is baptized in the Trinitarian formula and professes all three ancient Christian Creeds; the Apostles Creed, the Nicaean Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. Christians on earth are members of the Church Militant. Those who fight the good fight transition into being members of the Church Suffering and or the Church Triumphant.

    Q: What is the Church Militant? A: The Church Militant according to the Baltimore Catechism is,”…the fighting Church, made up of all the faithful upon earth, who are still fighting for their salvation. The Holy Scripture tells us our life upon earth is a warfare. We have three enemies to fight. First, the devil, who by every means wishes to keep us out of Heaven-the place he once enjoyed himself. The devil knows well the happiness of Heaven, and does not wish us to have what he cannot have himself; just as you sometimes see persons who, through their own fault, have lost their situation trying to keep others out of it. Our second enemy is the world. This does not mean the earth with all its beauty and riches, but the bad people in the world with their false doctrines; some telling us there is no God, Heaven, or Hell, others that we should pay no attention to the teaching of the Church or the laws of God, and advising us by word and example to resist our lawful superiors in Church or State and give free indulgence to our sinful passions.
    The third enemy is our own flesh. By this we mean our concupiscence, that is, our passions, evil inclinations, and propensity to do wrong. When God first created man, the soul was always master over the body, and the body obedient to the soul. After Adam sinned, the body rebelled against the soul and tried to lead it into sin. The body is the part of our nature that makes us like the brute animals, while the soul makes us like to God and the angels.”

    Q:What is a “Guerrilla”? A: Etymologically traced back to “Small Wars” in Spanish, a “Guerrilla” can be simply defined as a member of a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power.


    To become a “Christian Guerrilla” the Christian must become an active disciple of Logos AKA Jesus Christ. This is not the way of the “armed chair theologian”, who intellectually masturbates as he lives a sedentary lifestyle while Spiritual War wages around him. This is the Way of the Warrior Poet, the Militant philosopher. And it all begins with individual actions. I am not the creator or author of this Way. This is the Way of Saint John the Baptist. The Way of St King David and Judas Maccabaeus. This is the way of Samson and Joshua. In truth I am an amateur of the Way. But to give you an example in the 21st century; Make and continue to make every effort into becoming a “ghost”. Delete all distractions. Make it a daily goal to pray a rosary 3 times a day along with Scripture and Meditation. Change your physical lifestyle to pursue the way of the “Tactical Athlete”. And make it your mission to read great books/the classics. It all begins with the “I”. Once there is enough “I’s” then there is a “We”. But never forget, you are never alone. You are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses who constantly pray for you. The Blessed Virgin holds you close to her in her mantle. The Holy Spirit calls your body a Temple. Christ Jesus reigns in your heart. You are never alone.

    The war the Christian Guerrilla wages first takes place within his own heart and mind. He must root out the sin from within. He must defend his soul from the demonic and wage total offensive warfare on demonic influence. He must stay always vigilant to his own soul’s state. He is not a man of weak will nor of soft hands. He strives to be a man after God’s very own heart. From his heart he then evaluates his mind. He must identify the worldly influences that have cause his community and himself harm. Then they must be violently rooted out. A well cultured man is an intolerant man. This process of self-purging and spiritual growth is constant. It never stops and it is a beautiful and powerful experience that is not worth getting into. Lastly, his body must reflect his beliefs. The Christian Guerrilla cannot be fat. He must be able to carry his own weight and those of others. He must strive to physically perform like how God made man to perform. If you look at the paintings and sculpture of the Classics and the Revival of the Classics through the Christian Renaissance you see depicted, what Plato would call, the “ideal Form of the Human body”. In none of the paintings and sculptures of great heroes do you see fat men and women. On the contrary, you see strong and healthy bodies. These bodies act as a physical expression of the character of these heroes. Christ on the Cross for example. Every major depiction of Christ on the Cross does not show a scrawny Jesus. Every major depiction shows a strong Jesus Christ, even at the moment of His torture and death. Christ is virile, strong, and healthy. As the son of a carpenter, He was no stranger to heavy lifting and athletic feats. The man ate a clean and lean diet. So, it is very safe to say that He had a physical presence completely different to what the majority of modern-day Christian men have. Peter and the rest of the fishermen also were rough dudes, men you would not want to get in a fight with- Afterall, these guys rowed boats and pulled heavy rope for a living! Matthew had a desk job but as a tax collector I’m sure he was punched in the face several times- which means he would have had some fighting experience. Modern man is not beautiful. He is a grotesque mockery of God’s creation. He willingly chooses to be this way too. Think of it. Back before Pornhub, back before McBurger, back before Cultural Marxism’s infiltration of core institutions: people were beautiful. Men had character that was developed with arduous labor. Women had class that was developed by their Father’s example & the need to functionally perform basic tasks. Their diets were local and natural. St. Paul describes the body of man to be the “Temple of the Holy Spirit”. How then should our “Temples” look? Should they have Keg bellies and Man tits? Should they have Rolls of fat hanging off our limbs and torso? No. Our bodies should look like they’re made of the finest marble given our state in life. We must “pummel” our bodies as Saint Paul says to attain Spiritual Gainz and strength.

    The Christian Guerrilla must understand his local environment and the culture of people within it. He must strive to become “a man’s man”. By becoming this, along with connecting with the local people, he will become a community leader. And by being a community leader he can influence local culture and events. The Christian Guerrilla must understand the threats and weaknesses that impact the local environment and exploit them for the Greater Glory of God! What do I mean? Take for example single motherhood. A tragic pandemic that is causing generational harm to countless communities and to the State. Most young men come from single mother homes. These young men, due to not having good virtuous masculine leadership, will eventually inherit positions of power (positions of authority over self and others-voting power being a common one) in which they can piss away generations of labor. How does the Christian Guerrilla use this tragedy for good? Volunteer in local youth sports. Create Mentorship networks. Hell, even a passing word of encouragement, guidance, and or affirmation does wonders for a young man. See injustice, fix it at the lowest possible level. Feed the hungry, clothe the sick, give comfort to the lonely. Jesus Christ literally tells us what to do if you open the Bible. Be a Righteous man of thought and action and you will be rewarded. There is no overarching grand strategy that needs to be masterminded. Everything from the grand strategy to the most minute tactic has been expressed to us by God Himself! All that is needed is a man of action.

    Look at Wisdom literature in the Scriptures for instance. There is this popular sentiment among Christian men to sit and wait for things to change for the better. An erroneous sentiment that from the nether God will rise forth a demi-god cleric who will slay the dragons which ravage us is a fool’s hope. Comrades, this will never happen. Look at Church history and you will see this. The brave Saints and heroes who have safeguarded the church in ages past did not leap from the mind of God already full of virtue and gilded in armor. These brave men and women developed themselves, through the Grace of God, to that level. No cleric, no bishop or priest, will save the day. In fact, in moments of great persecution in modern history it was the laity who stepped up to bat. I am not saying God does not perform miracles. What I am saying is that waiting for somebody to fix the issues that plague you is foolish because you are somebody. God gave you a brain and the ability to act out ideas in the real world. Do you think Mountain Men sit around waiting for someone to feed them? Did the Maccabees sit around waiting for God to lightning strike their enemies? No- with prayer and labor they struggled to make their world better. Coexistence is not possible with people who hate God and Logos.

  • Christian Tactics: Actions and Protocols

    “Sunrise in the mountains. Dew drops glisten. Campfire embers rise and fall. Skillet is hot now, skinned rabbit jumps in beef tallow. Fresh cowboy coffee tastes fantastic. Birds sing, prelude for the orchestra of today. Sunrise in the mountains. Rabbit is done, it hops in between fingers before it lands into hungry mouth. Bunny bones are quickly put into a hot canteen- bone marrow stew on the go. Mare huffs and puffs as she grazes. Her mane shines in the light that shines in between the trees. Now that the day has come, it is time to sleep. Prayers of thanksgiving are said, as the bed roll is prepared. Prayers of supplication are whispered, as work boots come off. Prayers of penance flow out, as humbled man lays down. Prayers of Hope trail out of slow-moving lips as all goes black. Judging by the shadows of the trees, it is afternoon. Probably six hours of rest? More than enough. Dressed in full attire, the Mare is saddled, and all is packed away. On horse, ride to the town was no more than eight hours. Considering the logistical pit stops that are needed, ten hours later he was on the foothills overlooking the town. A quick reconnaissance answers all his questions. Five miles out, away from the filth, camp is made to cook dinner. In a few hours, men with painted faces wearing a combination of green, tan, and black clothing will be here. Men who are just like him. Stars in the sky lay testament to the heroes. Dazzling so bright tonight. As if the Communion of Saints and all the LORD’s Angels were waiting to watch what would transpire tonight. By midnight, all the crew is present. Ten in total. Upon bended knees, a chaplet to the Lady is said before a pocket-sized image of the Queen of Heaven, help of Christians. With Heaven’s blessing, we saddle up and ride. O silent night, night in which the LORD will be honored, stay silent till the horsemen arrive.

    It is 2 AM, according to the manual watches that have been synced. From two kilometers away, a leader’s recon is conducted one last time. Though we have been told by informants in the town everything we need to know, it can’t hurt to double check. Ten men, divided into two teams of five. One team will enter from the North, the other from the East.  First phase of action, take out the electrical substation. Second phase, carry out the raid on the enemy forces which reside in the bombed-out school, now a barracks with light defenses. Objective in second phase is to confuse the enemy and make them feel uncomfortable even in “friendly” territory.  Third phase, consolidate 7 km south of town. Not too hard to remember, yet the plan is mentally repeated constantly. I am death’s bridegroom…. Everything is set. A team of two leaves to cut the power off, with the help of the informant. Those who are left behind position themselves for phase 2. Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. Thirty minutes. Forty minutes later the lights shut down.  Horses are spurred, as if coming out of a gate, all the steeds push with all their might to assault the enemy. Sporadic lights come on; enemy troops are still stunned. One of the enemy soldiers stumbles outside of a bar. One of the enemy soldiers lays dead outside of a bar- death by blunt force. A bloody mace is put back in its scabbard. Adrenaline is pumping at the same pace that the mare sprints. Gunshots can be heard by where the substation is located. There is no time to assist those fighting there, all effort must be used on killing the enemy and taking whatever intel that can be stowed. From his satchel, a comrade pulls out a slingshot. With great speed, a clear indicator of practice, he begins to launch grenades with slingshot power. Bursting grenades explode inside structures where enemy fire originates from. Using this opportunity, we charge towards the barracks. Soldiers that try to make a defense get cut down, most just run back to their green zone…..”

    Is this fantasy or prophecy for Christians in the Post-Modern world?

    Cristero War. Vendee Counter-Revolution. Spanish Civil War. What do these conflicts have in common? What patterns can be identified today that translate to current events and environment? Where are we in the pendulum swing and how do we safeguard ourselves, our loved ones, and our property? 5th Generation warfare what is it and how can we use it as Christians for the defense of the Church Militant and for spreading the Gospel? All these questions and more is what we seek to discuss and answer in this blog. Christian Tactics: Actions and Protocols is a website dedicated to the defense of the Church Militant. Taking the wisdom of the Church Fathers and successful commanders of the past with the advice of today’s warriors and spiritual Fathers- here is a place where the Christian Faithful can study and learn. What we offer is analysis of geo-political events from a Christ-centric view, protocols for defense of self and church, and how-to guides for surviving in a Godless world.

    – Doom Marine

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